United Methodist Church lifts ban on LGBTQ+ clergy, same-sex marriage

Historic move marks a major shift from the UMC’s previous stance

The United Methodist Church (UMC) lifted the ban on LGBTQ+ clergy and same-sex marriage, marking a significant moment in the history of the denomination, reflecting broader societal shifts and internal debates within the church. This decision came after years of contentious debate, evolving attitudes towards LGBTQ+ rights within religious institutions. “Today, May 1, The United…


qnotes democracy

With Michele Morrow, it won’t be a brighter tomorrow for North Carolina schools

The North Carolina Constitution guarantees residents’ rights to a free public education, stating “The General Assembly shall provide by taxation and otherwise for a general and uniform system of free public schools, which shall be maintained at least nine months in every year, and wherein equal opportunities shall be provided for all students.” The public…



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